Archive | August 2019

“‘We Should Be Retreating Already From the Coastline,’ Scientist Suggests After Finding Warm Waters Below Greenland”

Andrew Yang’s assertion that people move away from the coast at the last Democratic debate is the completely rational and correct choice for NASA scientists in Greenland.

“Newly discovered organ may be lurking under your skin”

Most people who’ve been jabbed by a needle know the drill: First the pierce, then the sharp, searing pain and an urge to pull away, or at least wince. While the exact circuitry behind this nearly universal reaction is not fully understood, scientists may have just found an important piece of the puzzle: a previously unknown sensory organ inside the skin.

“How Shoes, Wallets and Even Teslas Are Going Vegan: QuickTake”

Pineapple leaf fibers

Environmentally conscious consumers aren’t just fretting about what they eat. Some are starting to shun clothes and other products made from animal hides and are opting instead for synthetic and natural alternatives. Collectively these have become known as vegan leather. Even Elon Musk’s Tesla Inc. will offer a “fully vegan” car. These alternatives to leather are often cheaper. The question for consumers is: Are they better for the planet?

“Saharan Dust Keeping Atlantic’s Tropical Storms From Forming”

A plume of Saharan dust reaches across the tropical North Atlantic Ocean in this NOAA-20 image from June 10.

Dry air from the Sahara that’s carrying enough dust it can be seen from space is preventing thunderstorms over the Atlantic from strengthening into powerful tropical systems.